суббота, 29 сентября 2007 г.

I Feel Castrated After Being Refused Viagra

I WENT to my GP for Viagra but she said I wasn't suitable. It took a lot of courage for me to ask for this and to admit I was having problems in that department.

She made me feel like a naughty wee boy for asking. I'm only 59 but I feel like I've been castrated by a female doctor who looked about 20 and seems to think that sex stops when you are 30.

Can I demand to see a male doctor or must I spend a fortune on the internet to get my pills?

A I ACCEPT you are upset but I wonder if we have only got half the story here?

For instance, did your GP tell you exactly why she wasn't prescribing you Viagra? It isn't suitable for everyone for a variety of reasons, including long-standing health issues. It's got nothing to do with your age - or hers for that matter.

By all means seek a second opinion. But please don't buy drugs over the internet. As well as wasting your money it could seriously affect your health.

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